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Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Chef Philippe Interviewed by

Chef Philippe was recently interviewed by for an article titled, "New Weapons Against Invasive Carp: Knife and Fork" by Wynne Parry, LiveScience Senior Writer. The article discusses the Asian carp invasion problem as well as cooking the carp as a possible solution.  According to their website, "LiveScience, launched in 2004, is the trusted and provocative source for highly accessible science, health and technology news for people who are curious about their minds, bodies, and the world around them. Our team of experienced science reporters, editors and video producers explore the latest discoveries, trends and myths, interviewing expert sources and offering up deep and broad analyses of topics that affect peoples' lives in meaningful ways."  You can view the Asian carp article here.

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

New Multimedia Links!

Want to learn more about Asian carp and their threat to the Great Lakes?  Did you know the federal government has an Aquatic Nuisance Species (ANS) Task Force and that Asian carp is on their list?  Do you know how to identify one species of Asian carp from another?  Read about all these things and more on Chef Philippe's multimedia page. Article with red arrows are important things Chef Philippe wants you to see. Items with green arrows are new items. Visit the multimedia page to learn more!

Thursday, March 3, 2011

Chef Philippe in New Orleans for Asian Carp

In February, Chef Philippe and his group visited New Orleans to attend the Corps of Engineers open meeting. Chef Philippe spoke to the Corps representatives and other attendees saying, "Do not underestimate the power of cooking!" as he began his talk promoting the edibility and marketability of the Asian carp as the solution to control the invasive fish.  His solution will not only control the Asian carp population in America's waterways, but will help in preventing the closure of major shipping waterways that could result in thousands of lost jobs and millions of dollars worth of business for directly affected U.S. companies. In addition to helping the commercial shipping industry, Chef Philippe's solution to the Asian carp invasion will also create local jobs, boost local economies, and revitalize local commercial fishing.